
The journal Management and Economics Review aims to promote by its papers the scientific research in management by stimulating free and critical thinking and new economic knowledge.
Manuscripts should be written in English, following the style specified in section Manuscript Style
The manuscripts must be prepared electronically in Microsoft Word (*.doc) and PDF format and should be submitted by e-mail to the address: .
Following a brief editorial review to determinate the manuscript’s appropriateness for Management and Economics Review, each manuscript will be blind reviewed by at least two peer reviewers. The review process will take approximately 2 months. The reviewers will evaluate the submitted papers against the following checkpoints: relevance to Management and Economics Review, originality, significance, usefulness, reference to the related literature, presentation, linguistic quality.
At the end of the review process authors will be notified on the status of their manuscripts: accept, revise and submit, or reject and will receive feedback from the reviewers. If the reviewers ask for revision of the article then the authors should make the revision and the article will be published after the reviewers’ acceptance.
Management and Economics Review journal, does not charge publication or processing fees from the Author(s).
Management and Economics Review publishes fully open access articles. According to the Budapest Open Access Initiative, by open access articles we understand the permission to “to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself” (
Management and Economics Review journal publishes open access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( CC BY-NC License permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction, provided the original work is properly cited.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
All articles submitted to Management and Economics Review will be checked using the plagiarism detection software.
In the case of suspected plagiarism in a submitted article:
- The corresponding author of the article in question is contacted with documentary evidence of the case of plagiarism and is asked for a response.
- If the authors are found guilty of plagiarism the paper is rejected and the authors will not be able to publish any article in Management and Economics Review for a period of 5 years.
It is necessary that all parties participating in the process of publication for Management and Economics Review, meaning authors, reviewers, members of the editorial team and publisher, to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior.
Authors’ responsibilities
The responsibility for the opinions expressed by articles belongs to authors.
Authors must certify that:
- The paper represents an original work;
- The paper has not previously been published elsewhere;
- The paper is not being considered for publication elsewhere;
- The paper contains real and authentic data;
- All sources used in the creation of their paper are presented or cited;
- The author and co-authors of the paper had a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the presented work.
Authors must notify the journal editor if they find errors or inaccuracy in their own published work.
Before publication, authors of accepted manuscripts must sign a Copyright Agreement Form.
Reviewers’ responsibilities
The best possible review should be developed taking into consideration that each reviewer should:
- Review only articles that matches the reviewer’s expertise;
- Address issues mentioned in the Reviewers Guidelines when starting the process of review.
- Allocate sufficient time for the review process in order to meet the deadline stated in the invitation to review;
- Report to the Editor existing conflicts of interests of any kind and scale that may influence the reviewing process;
- Keep the suggestions and comments confidential;
- Keep the manuscript as a privileged communication;
- Not send the comments made upon an article directly to the author(s) of that article.
Editor’s responsibilities
- The Editor is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published.
- The Editor should preserve the anonymity of reviewers.
- The Editor should not allow any conflicts of interest between staff, authors, reviewers and board members.
- The Editor should keep confidentiality upon each submitted manuscript.
Publisher’s responsibilities
The ASE Publishing House (Editura ASE), as publisher of the journal Management and Economics Review, recognizes its ethical responsibilities and carefully attends all stages of publishing. As a publisher, ASE Publishing House is committed to ensure that advertising, reprint or other commercial revenue has no impact or influence on editorial decisions.